When a developer builds an Application,she would have to secure a hosting service to power it in one of the five following modes:Co-location,dedicated hosting,virtual hosting,cloud hosting or cloud services. The last one is a bundled computing service made available to developers via a Visual User Interface(VUI) or an Application Programming Interface(API) and it is the most popular of all.
All these hosting services are made possible through a few proximate servers that are related to one another and controlled individually by one sole entity. This is a simple form of a centralised system with at least one single point of failure i.e once the server is down,powering an application becomes virtually impossible.
However,a corollary to the above mentioned system is the decentralised system which is a set of unrelated,fluid and independent devices which run the same application,interacting with one another over an application protocol and working together as a unit to achieve shared objective. This system has no single point of failure. In other words,hundreds of thousand of nodes have to fail for the system to break down or the entire internet has to be down for it fail.
Moreso,the decentralise system can support a new set of applications(DApps) unsupported by the centralised system including those hitherto supported by the centralised system. The decentralised system is becoming mainstream and being adopted worldwide. This adoption is long over due because of its positive inherent qqualities:Deregulation;Improvement inpersonal privacy;Lower cost of computing and;The monetisation of the system via cryptocurrency.
Unfortunately,pseudo-decentralised systems are used to power decentralised applications(DApps) resulting in ineffeciency and sometimes,system hack. Ideally,DApps should be powered by decentralised system.
Innercore is the next generation of application infrastructure that is poised on developing services meant only for decentralised applications leveraging on blockchain technology. It offers DApp developers access to decentralised computing resources of independent devices located throughout the world. These devices are owned by individuals who are willing to power decentralised applications for developers and get paid in CORES,the innercore utility token. This is facilitated by innercore through the GATEWAY,a platform that connects developers to service providers within the innercore ecosystem.
Cores can be traded through the on-going token sale,via the SMART EXCHANGE(An innercore custom exchange within the ecosystem) and through other exchanges because it is an ERC20 compatible token.Our focus here is the on-going innercore token sale.
The Uniqueness Of The Innercore Token Sale
Two financial problems face many businesses both on-chain and off-chain,they are:Lack of funds and too much fund. The former is obvious while the later is tricky. How?Too much fund leads to lot of redundancy and inefficiency as well as pressure to meet community expectations from the huge fund realised from a typical ICO. In order to avoid this,Innercore decides to raise the little amount it would need to kick start and build innercore project in order to reach its own profitablity. Such mode of raising fund is termed Seed Coin Offering(SCO) by Innercore.
Innercore plans to raise between $150,000 and $250,000 of contributions at a cost of 1/100000ETH or 0.00001ETH per CORE. It has a minimum sale(Soft Cap) of 10 million CORE and a maximum sale(Hard Cap) of 200 million which are equivalent to $50,000 and $1million respectively at the rate of $500/ETH. Note that as the value of ETH fluctuates during the period of token sale,so does the number of CORES.
Moreover,a 10%,7.5% and 5% bonuses are attached to the token sale at different time interval during the token sale. Innercore also award an instant 10% referral bonus in ETH to the ethereum address of the community member whose unique bonus certificate number was used during the process of buying CORES.